Monday, April 11, 2011

Fading memories


A Marine buddy I knew not too long ago said that you never really can go home.

For the last, oh 4 years, I have attempted to reignite the passions of and the images of things both Hazzard as well as that of what it meant to me. Fact is, one can’t do that as easily do such things as one might think.

Two weeks ago , Ricky and I went over to Hazzard to snag an old junk van that would have made a good bunch of pocket change for me , but found it had already been hauled off. So trucked up the hill only to find the original homestead had finally been demolished and now is just more area for the current owners to farm. I might have been more sad if I had thought it’d be different, yet I knew that as things go, the old becomes a memory and although I would love things to go back to the way it wuzz , fact is, it can’t. I’d probably would fight much harder if infact that there wuzz a reason to fight. Quite frankly , as much as there are things still here Hazzard wize, still what I have went through since I re-landed back on these shores, from moving from Pocatello which in itself wuzz stupid, running away from some good things,just because some snibbling bikini bar bouncer wanted to have a pissing match. Should have just whacked the fartknocker and remained in Pocky. Oh well. But things being what they are, with a suitable and affordable shop now located and signed and sealed in Paul, Idaho. I can resume what I started when I moved to Idaho from Wyoming in 2006 or so. The real truth to the matter is and wuzz even then, while reality can and does byte us in the 6 most days, the fact is memories are like starlight. they go on forever, without being able to hold them again.

Next, Don’t Trust Yankee banks.


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Quote of the day:
Laughing at our mistakes can lengthen our own life. Laughing at someone else's can shorten it. - Cullen Hightower

1 Peter 2:24““He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.””

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