Monday, April 11, 2011

A Long tyme forgotten and to dust it went


You’d think I’d learn, opening email that is suspicious at best and misleading at the least. If you see a email with the words TOOL BOX in it, delete it as it will hammer your hard drive in no time flat, plus cost you $129.00 to get your trusty computer up and galloping again.

Saw most of our blogs deleted, don’t know how that happened , but hey shit happens. Needless to say, found a work around and I’m back up.

Been working at the moving thing past two weeks. Now that we have a shop, and most of the shop stuff is moved, its move me. Never underestimate how much stuff you have as it takes a bunch of time packing, and hauling.

Bud did a diddy that has been kicking my butt the last two months. He set up the checks to us here in the Idaho charter of SAMCRO MC to go by online pay. WaMU told him it would cost a $10.00 fee to do it the way he was doing it previous. Only problem, the bank nails me a $10.00 fee on this end, as I don’t have a local bank account. Thing is, I do not trust no Yankee bank.

Any mile, I’m back up.


my blog sig 13

Quote of the day:
The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way. - Bertrand Russell
1 Peter 2:24““He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.””

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